Info Page: A Fine Romance

Here is all the information you need about "A Fine Romance" on BritBox in the UK. Details include the date it was added to BritBox UK, any known expiry dates and new episodes/seasons, the ratings and cast etc. So scroll down for more information or share the link on social media to let your friends know what you're watching.

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A Fine Romance

Unfortunately "A Fine Romance" is no longer available to stream on BritBox in the UK. It may return in the future but we don't know when... Sorry!

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Date Added: 7th May 2020

Want to keep forever? Try looking for 'A Fine Romance' on Amazon (paid link)


Date Removed: 1st May 2022

Available for: 24 months



Channel: ITV


Husband and wife team Michael Williams and Judi Dench star in this comedy series. Dench plays Laura who is 37 and unmarried. Williams plays Mike, also single. Laura's sister is anxious to see Laura 'married off' and introduces her to Mike at a party.



Duration: 4 Seasons

Seasons: Season 1 (6 Ep), Season 2 (7 Ep), Season 3 (6 Ep), Season 4 (6 Ep)


Director: James Cellan Jones, Don Leaver, Graham Evans


Writer: Bob Larbey


Cast: Geoffrey Rose, Francesca Brill, Michael Lees, Ken Wynne, Corbet Woodall, Lally Bowers, Susan Penhaligon, Monica Grey, Paul Marcus, Janet Palmer, Geoffrey Larder, Gertan Klauber, Karl Howman, David Ashfield, Olivier Pierre, Walter Sparrow, Fernand Monast, Paola Dionisotti, John Aron, Hugh Walters, Suzie Cerys, Dame Judi Dench, Eve Pearce, Richard Warick, Michael Howarth, Mary Maddox, Richard Pearson, Charles Hodgson, Julian Curry, Glynis Barber, John Owens, Delia Lindsay, Roy Heather, Cherith Mellor, Louisa Rix, Job Stewart, Pola Churchill, Harry Littlewood, Susan Field, Sarah Jane Varley, John Baddeley, James Grout, Michael Culver, Neville Barber, Charles Pemberton, George Tovey, Chris Holmes, Derek Deadman, Leon Lissek, Jerold Wells, Michael Williams, Malcolm Rogers, Richard Warwick, Kate Burgess, Angela Curran, Ian Collier, Robert Swales


Production & Season Details:

Status: Ended

"A Fine Romance" was originally broadcast on London Weekend Television (United Kingdom) and premiered on November 1st 1981. "A Fine Romance" ended after 4 seasons and a total of 26 episodes. The final episode aired on February 17th 1984.

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