Info Page: In Which We Serve

Here is all the information you need about "In Which We Serve" on BritBox in the UK. Details include the date it was added to BritBox UK, any known expiry dates and new episodes/seasons, the ratings and cast etc. So scroll down for more information or share the link on social media to let your friends know what you're watching.

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In Which We Serve

Unfortunately "In Which We Serve" is no longer available to stream on BritBox in the UK. It may return in the future but we don't know when... Sorry!

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Date Added: 14th October 2021

Want to keep forever? Try looking for 'In Which We Serve' on Amazon (paid link)


Date Removed: 4th February 2023

Available for: 16 months



Channel: Movie


Noël Coward and David Lean’s critically acclaimed drama about a doomed Navy battleship and its crew. Produced mid-WWII, it's told through the flashbacks of surviving crew members left clinging to a life raft as their ship, HMS Torin, sinks. 1942



Duration: 1hr 54m


Director: David Lean, Noel Coward


Writer: Noel Coward


Cast: Frederick Piper, Mickey Anderson, Charles Compton, Norman Pierce, Joyce Carey, Johnnie Schofield, Everley Gregg, John Boxer, Sir John Mills, Juliet Mills, Gerald Case, Trixy Scales, Michael Whittaker, Hubert Gregg, Eileen Peel, Noel Coward, Celia Johnson, Jill Stephens, James Donald, Robert Moreton, Dora Gregory, John Singer, Josie Welford, Lionel Grose, Kathleen Harrison, Roddy Hughes, Walter Fitzgerald, Franklyn Bennett, Daniel Massey, Ann Stephens, Penelope Dudley Ward, Geoffrey Hibbert, Wally Patch, Derek Elphinstone, George Carney, Charles Russell, Robert Sansom, Kenneth Carten, Barbara Waring, Bernard Miles, John Varley, Kenneth Evans, Lesley Osmond, Leslie Dwyer, Chimmo Branson, Caven Watson, Kay Walsh, Philip Friend, Ballard Berkeley, Michael Wilding, Kay Young


Production & Box Office Details:

"In Which We Serve" was produced by Two Cities Films and British Lion Film Corporation and was originally released on September 17th 1942.

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LISTS: Letterboxd



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